Learn Mandarin: Peppa Pig S01E09 Part 3

Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E09 “Daddy Loses his Glasses” Part 3:

  • méiyǒu yǎnjìng, zhū bàba gēnběn kàn bùliǎo bàozhǐ
  • zhè zhēnshi lìngrén wúyǔ
  • wǒ shénme dōu kànbùdào le
  • kěndìng yǒurén bǎ wǒde yǎnjìng cáng qǐlai le
  • nǐ hái jìde zuìhòu bǎ yǎnjìng fàngzài nǎr le ma
  • wǒ bú dài deshíhòu dōu shì bǎ yǎnjìng fàngzài kǒudài lǐ de
  • dàn xiànzài búzài kǒudài lǐ
  • nàme bàba, wǒmen kěyǐ bāng nǐ yìqǐ qù zhǎo yǎnjìng ma
  • hǎozhǔyi ā, pèiqí
  • rúguǒ zhǎodào le, nà bàba jiù búhuì zhème jiāozào le
  • wǒ bìng méiyǒu jiāozào

  • 没有眼镜,猪爸爸根本看不了报纸
  • 这真是令人无语
  • 我什么都看不到了
  • 肯定有人把我的眼镜藏起来了
  • 你还记得最后把眼镜放在哪儿了吗
  • 我不戴的时候都是把眼镜放在口袋里
  • 但现在不在口袋里
  • 那么爸爸 我们可以帮你一起去找眼镜吗
  • 好主意啊 佩奇
  • 如果找到了,那爸爸就不会这么焦躁了
  • 我并没有焦躁

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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 09 Part 3

méiyǒu yǎnjìng, zhū bàba gēnběn kàn bùliǎo bàozhǐ
Without glasses, Daddy Pic can’t read the newspaper at all.

  • 没有 = méiyǒu, don’t have
  • 眼镜 = yǎnjìng, glasses. Pay attention to the tone because 眼睛 = yǎnjīng, with a different tone on jing, means eyes. They are often used in related contexts.
  • 猪爸爸 = zhū bàba, Daddy Pig
  • 根本= gēnběn, literally means basic or fundamental but in this case I’d translate it into at all. 根本不行 = , doesn’t work at all.
  • 看不了 = kàn bùliǎo, can’t read something. It’s different from 看不见 = kàn bùjiàn, which is would mean Daddy Pig can’t see the newspaper at all (the object). If your TV is broken, you’d also use 看不了TV rather than 看不见TV.
  • 报纸 = bàozhǐ, newspaper.

zhè zhēnshi lìngrén wúyǔ
This really makes me speechless.

  • 这 = zhè, this (is)
  • 真是 = zhēnshi, really
  • 令人 = lìngrén, makes somebody feel a certain way such as 令人恶心 = lìng rén ěxīn, makes somebody feel disgusted.
  • 无语 = wúyǔ, literally speechless. It usually means something is annoying.

wǒ shénme dōu kànbùdào le
I can’t see anything at all.

  • 我 = wǒ, I/me
  • 什么 = shénme, anything
  • 都 = dōu, all
  • 看不到 = kànbùdào, this is more similar to 看不见 that I mentioned earlier. Here Daddy Pig is talking about the words on the newspaper rather than the newspaper itself. I’d write post later about the difference between 看不到, 看不见 and 看不了.

kěndìng yǒurén bǎ wǒde yǎnjìng cáng qǐlai le
It must be that somebody hid my glasses.

  • 肯定 = kěndìng, it must be the case that…
  • 有人 = yǒurén, somebody (implying there exists somebody who…)
  • 我的 = wǒde, mine/my.
  • 藏 = cáng, to hide.
  • 把 + something + 藏起来 = bǎ + something + cáng qǐlai, to hide something. The usage of 起来 here is far from obvious. Please read about my in-depth post on 起来!

nǐ hái jìde zuìhòu bǎ yǎnjìng fàngzài nǎr le ma
Do you still remember where you put the glasses at last?

  • 你 = nǐ, you
  • 还 = hái, still
  • 记得 = jìde, to have remembered
  • 最后 = zuìhòu, in the end, at last (before Daddy Pig just lost his glasses)
  • 哪儿 = nǎr, where. Read about how to use er-coloring in my focused article.
  • 把…放在… = bǎ + something + fàngzài + (place), put something somewhere. For example,
    • 把眼镜放在桌子上 = bǎ yǎnjìng fàng zài zhuōzi shàng, put the glasses on the table 
    • 把水放在瓶子里 = bǎ shuǐ fàng zài píngzi lǐ, put water in the bottle
    • By substituting  with 哪, you get a question
  • 了 = le, indicating past tense

wǒ bú dài deshíhòu dōu shì bǎ yǎnjìng fàngzài kǒudài lǐ de
When I don’t wear them, I always put the glasses in the pocket.

  • 戴 = dài, where
  • 的时候 = de shíhòu, when
  • 我不戴的时候 = wǒ bú dài deshíhòu, when I don’t wear the glasses. This expression omitted the glasses after 不戴 because the context is clear.
  • 口袋 = kǒudài, pocket
  • 里 = lǐ, inside
  • 都是…的 = , used to describe something has always been done in a certain way. This is another challenging sentence structure. Compare and contrast the following expressions:
    • 我四点上课 = wǒ sì diǎn shàngkè. I go to classes at four o’clock.
    • 我都是四点上课的 = wǒ dū shì sì diǎn shàngkè de I always go to classes at four o’clock. 
    • 我骑车上学 = wǒ qí chē shàngxué, I bike to school
    • 我都是骑车上学的 = wǒ dū shì qí chē shàngxué de, I always bike to school.

dàn xiànzài búzài kǒudài lǐ
But now it’s not inside the pocket

  • 但 = dàn, but
  • 现在 = xiànzài, now
  • 不在 = búzài, not in/at/on (a place)

nàme bàba, wǒmen kěyǐ bāng nǐ yìqǐ qù zhǎo yǎnjìng ma

Well then, dad, can we help you look for glasses together?

  • 那么 = nàme, well then
  • 可以 = kěyǐ, able to, allowed to
  • 帮 = bāng, to help
  • 一起 = yìqǐ, together
  • 去找 = qù zhǎo, to go and look for. 去 here can be omitted.
  • 可以…吗? = kěyǐ…ma? A set expression for asking for permission.

hǎozhǔyi ā, pèiqí
Good idea, Peppa.

  • 好主意 = hǎozhǔyi, good idea. zhu actually ends up sounding zhú in this context.
  • 佩奇 = pèiqí, Peppa Pig

rúguǒ zhǎodào le, nà bàba jiù búhuì zhème jiāozào le
If you find them, dad will stop being so anxious. 

  • 如果 = rúguǒ, if
  • 找到了 = zhǎodào le, found
  • 那 = nà, then 
  • 就不会 = jiù búhuì, will not
  • 这么 = zhème, this much, often added in front of an adjective
  • 焦躁 = jiāozào, this is likely a direct translation from anxious. But it’s not commonly used in spoken Chinese. I would have used 着急 = zhāojíjí, or even shorter, 急 = jí. The whole sentence could be re-written as 这会让他很急 = zhè huì ràng tā hěn zhāojí

wǒ bìng méiyǒu jiāozào
Actually I’m not anxious.

  • 并 = bìng,
  • 并没有 means actually not, usually to disagree with the previous statement.

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