Self-Guided Lessons

Each lesson is based on a segment of Peppa Pig Mandarin dub less than a minute long. There is a lot you can get out of each lesson. Remember, languages must be acquired, not taught.

The more parts you go through, the more you will start to see repeating expressions and see the connections between words, phrases and sentences across different scenarios. For lookup and review, check the Transcripts Lookup page.

You can also practice passive listening by binge-watching Peppa Pig!

S01E03 “Best Friend”

S01E04 “Polly Parrot”

S01E09 “Daddy Loses his Glasses”

S01E51 “Daddy’s Movie Camera”

There is a quiz for you for the content we’ve covered so far: Question Set 1.

S01E46 “At the beach”

S01E43 “Tidy Up”

S01E07 “Mummy Pig at Work”