Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E43 “Tidy Up” Part 2:
- dàodǐ fāshēng shénme shìqing le
- zěnme zhème chǎo ā
- nǐmen kànkan dìshang zěnme nàme luàn na
- yībùxiǎoxīn jiù huì bèi bàndǎo de
- quèshí yǒurén bèi bàndǎo, shòushāng le ne
- ò zāogāo, kělián de zhū bàba
- láiba, háizimen
- wǒmen lái zhěnglǐ yíxià fángjiān
- dànshì māma, wǒmen xiànzài zài wán wánǒu hé kǒnglóng ne
- zhěnglǐ gānjìng hòu, kěyǐ zài wánr
- kěshì zhèxiē dōu shì qiáozhì nòngluàn de ya
- shì zhèyàng ma
- nà zhè tiáo kěndìng shì qiáozhì de piàoliang qúnzi lóu
- búshi
- hǎo ba, kěnéng yǒuyìxiē shì wǒ nòngluàn de
- 到底发生什么事情了
- 怎么这么吵啊
- 你们看看地上怎么那么乱哪
- 一不小心就会被绊倒的
- 确实有人被绊倒,受伤了呢
- 哦糟糕,可怜的猪爸爸
- 来吧,孩子们
- 我们来整理一下房间
- 但是妈妈,我们现在在玩玩偶和恐龙呢
- 整理干净后,可以再玩儿
- 可是这些都是乔治弄乱的呀
- 是这样吗
- 那这条肯定是乔治的漂亮裙子喽
- 不是
- 好吧,可能有一些是我弄乱的
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 43 Part 2
dàodǐ fāshēng shénme shìqing le
到底 发生 什么 事情 了
What exactly happened?
- 到 = dào, to get to
- 底 = dǐ, the bottom
- 到底 = dàodǐ, exactly, actually.
- 到底 is often used in sentences, to emphasize that you want to know the true/accurate/real answer of the question. For example,
- You know one of kids ate the cake but you don’t know who exactly, you could ask 到底谁吃了蛋糕?Dàodǐ shéi chīle dàngāo? Who exactly ate the cake?
- In a crime show you may hear 到底谁是凶手?Dàodǐ shéi shì xiōngshǒu? Who exactly is the murderer?
- 发生 = fāshēng, to happen
- 什么 = shénme, something, what (when used in a sentence)
- 事情 = shìqing, a generic name for a matter (but not an object)
- 了 = le, indicating past tense
- A shorter way to ask the same question is 到底发生什么了?Dàodǐ fāshēng shénmele?
- An even shorter way is to ask the same question is 到底怎么了?Dàodǐ zěnme le?
zěnme zhème chǎo ā
怎么 这么 吵 啊
How come it’s so noisy?
- 怎么 = zěnme, how come, how could it be? Check out a similar sentence in S01E09 Part 6.
- 这么 = zhème, this, so much
- 吵 = chǎo, noisy
- 啊 = ā, added to a question to imply surprise. If you drop it here, the sentence’s meaning doesn’t change much.
- 怎么这么 + adjective + (啊)? is a good phrase to use if you are wondering why something has a certain surprising quality. For example,
- 现在刚三月,天气怎么这么热啊? Xiànzài gāng sānyuè, tiānqì zěnme zhème rè a? It’s only March now, how come the weather is so hot?
- 他爸妈都不高,他怎么这么高啊?Tā bàmā dōu bù gāo, tā zěnme zhème gāo a? Neither of his parents is tall, how could he be so tall?
nǐmen kànkan dìshang zěnme nàme luàn na
你们 看看, 地上 怎么 那么 乱 哪
You guys look, how come it’s so messy on the floor?
- 你们 = nǐmen, you (plural)
- 看看 = kànkan, to check, to look. Read my article on repeating verbs
- 地上 = dìshang, on the floor, on the ground
- 那么 = nàme, that, so much, similar to 这么. You can also replace it with 这么 here.
- 乱 = luàn, messy
- 哪 = na, very similar to 啊 in the prior sentence. You can use either one.
- Even though there is no obvious pause between 你们看看 and the rest of the sentence, I put a comma in here to segment the sentence for ease of understanding. The rest of the clause after 你们看看 is a complete question on its own.
yībùxiǎoxīn jiù huì bèi bàndǎo de
一不小心 就 会 被 绊倒 的
If one is not careful, there is a good chance one could be tripped over
- 一 = yī, as soon as. Usually the 一 sounds more like second rising tone when it’s used this way.
- 不 = bù, not
- 小心 = xiǎoxīn, careful
- 就 = jiù, then
- 会 = huì, will happen
- 一不小心就(会) + something, is a set phrase for if one is not careful, as soon as one is not careful, something would easily happen
- 一不小心就忘关火了= Yī bù xiǎoxīn jiù wàng guān huǒle, I wasn’t careful and forgot about turning off the stove
- 绊倒 = bàndǎo, to trip over
- 被绊倒 = bèi bàndǎo, to be tripped over. 被 turns “to trip” into “to be tripped”
- 的 = de, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s grammatically necessary to add the 的 here, 一不小心就会被绊倒 makes sense to me too. My interpretation is that 的 emphasizes on the possibility rather than inevitability.
- This is a pretty useful phrase, let me make up a couple additional examples:
- 这两个车站离得很近, 一不小心就会坐过站的 = Zhè liǎng gè chēzhàn lí dé hěn jìn, yī bù xiǎoxīn jiù huì zuòguò zhàn de. The two bus stops are close together, if one is not careful, there is a good chance one could miss the stop.
- 不要出门,一不小心就会得病的 = Bùyào chūmén, yī bù xiǎoxīn jiù huì débìng de. Don’t go outside, if one is not careful, there is a good chance one could catch the virus.
quèshí yǒurén bèi bàndǎo, shòushāng le ne
确实 有人 被 绊倒 , 受伤 了 呢
Indeed somebody was tripped over, (and) got hurt
- 确实 = quèshí, indeed
- 有人 = yǒurén, somebody, there exists somebody
- 受伤 = shòushāng, got hurt
- 呢 = ne, a colloquial expression used at the end of the sentence to emphasize “it’s true”. It isn’t hugely necessary but it makes the sentence sounds natural and colloquial.
ò zāogāo, kělián de zhū bàba
哦 糟糕 , 可怜 的 猪 爸爸
Oh no, poor Daddy Pig
- 哦 糟糕 = ò zāogāo, oh no. Note that 哦 or “Oh” isn’s super Chinese sounding here.
- 可怜的 = kělián de, poor
- 猪爸爸 = zhū bàba, Daddy Pig
láiba, háizimen
来吧 , 孩子们
Come on, kids
- 来吧 = láiba, come or come on
- 孩子们 = háizimen, kids (plural)
wǒmen lái zhěnglǐ yíxià fángjiān
我们 来 整理 一下 房间
Let’s tidy up the room
- 我们 = wǒmen, we
- 来 = lái, to come
- people + 来 + action is a set phrase for Let‘s do something.
- 整理 = zhěnglǐ, to tidy up
- 一下 = yíxià, for a bit, quickly, check another example in S01E46 Part 6
- 房间 = fángjiān, room
dànshì māma, wǒmen xiànzài zài wán wánǒu hé kǒnglóng ne
但是 妈妈 , 我们 现在 在 玩 玩偶 和 恐龙 呢
But mom, we are now playing with doll and dinosaur
- 但是 = dànshì, but
- 妈妈 = māma, mom
- 现在 = xiànzài, now
- 在 = zài, currently (doing)
- 玩 = wán, to play
- 玩偶 = wánǒu, doll. Dolls are often called 娃娃 as well.
- 和 = hé, and
- 恐龙 = kǒnglóng, dinosaur
- 呢 = ne, a colloquial word added at the end of the sentence to highlight the action is currently ongoing. For example, 我在吃饭呢 I am eating. 我在洗澡呢 I am showering
zhěnglǐ gānjìng hòu, kěyǐ zài wánr
整理 干净 后, 可以 再 玩儿
After you tidied up, you can resume playing again
- 干净 = gānjìng, clean
- 整理干净 = zhěnglǐ gānjìng, tidied up
- 后 = hòu, after
- 可以 = kěyǐ, can
- 再 = zài, again, in this context it means resume doing something again rather than doing something repeatedly
- The subject 你们 has been omitted throughout this sentence. You could expand it to be (你们)整理干净后, (你们)可以再玩儿.
- Also, read about how to use er-coloring in my focused article.
kěshì zhèxiē dōu shì qiáozhì nòngluàn de ya
可是 这些 都 是 乔治 弄乱 的 呀
But these are made messy by George
- 可是 = kěshì, but, very similar to 但是. 可是 is usually only used in spoken Chinese. 但是 can be used in both spoken and written Chinese.
- 这些 = zhèxiē, these, referring to a bunch of stuff
- 都 = dōu, all
- 是 = shì, is/am/are
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, George Pig
- 弄乱 = nòngluàn, to make a mess
- 的 = de, turns “to make a mess by George” into an adjective to describe 这些.
- 呀 = ya, used at the end of the sentence to make it more casual, and it sounds less of a serious accusation in this context.
shì zhèyàng ma
是 这样 吗
Is it so?
- 这样 = zhèyàng, like this
- 吗 = ma, turns a statement into a question
nà zhè tiáo kěndìng shì qiáozhì de piàoliang qúnzi lou
那 这 条 肯定 是 乔治 的 漂亮 裙子 喽
Well then, this must be Geroge’s pretty dress?
- 那 = nà, well then, then
- 这 = zhè, this
- 条 = tiáo, the measure word for a dress. If you want to refer to “this dress” you have to use the measure word and say 这条裙子.
- 肯定 = kěndìng, must
- 肯定是, must be
- 的 = de, indicating possession
- 漂亮 = piàoliang, pretty
- 裙子 = qúnzi, dress
- 喽 = lou, indicating it’s a (rhetorical) question
- Learn more about how to say No in Chinese!
hǎo ba, kěnéng yǒuyìxiē shì wǒ nòngluàn de
好 吧 , 可能 有一些 是 我 弄乱 的
Okay, perhaps some of these are my mess
- 好吧 = hǎo ba, okay
- 可能 = kěnéng, perhaps
- 有一些 = yǒuyìxiē, some of these
- You can interpret the whole phrase “我弄乱的” as an adjective to describe “有一些”, similar to “乔治弄乱的” earlier.