Learn Mandarin: Peppa Pig S01E09 Part 4

Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E09 “Daddy Loses his Glasses” Part 4:

  • pèiqí hé qiáozhì kāishǐ bāng bàba zhǎo yǎnjìng le
  • pèiqí zhǎo le bàozhǐ dǐxia
  • dànshì bàba de yǎnjìng búzài zhèr
  • qiáozhì zhǎo le diànshìjī de shàngmiàn
  • dànshì bàba de yǎnjìng yě búzài nàr
  • wǒmen dào lóushàng bàba māma de wòshì lǐ qù kànkàn ba
  • pèiqí hé qiáozhì kāishǐ zài bàba māma de fángjiān lǐ zhǎo
  • qiáozhì, nǐ yào xiǎoxīn yìdiǎn
  • bié bǎ dōngxi pèngdǎo le
  • zhè yìdiǎn dōu bùhǎo xiào

  • 佩奇和乔治开始帮爸爸找眼镜了
  • 佩奇找了报纸底下
  • 但是爸爸的眼镜不在这儿
  • 乔治找了电视机的上面
  • 但是爸爸的眼镜也不在那儿
  • 我们到楼上爸爸妈妈的卧室里去看看吧
  • 佩奇和乔治开始在爸爸妈妈的房间里找
  • 乔治,你要小心一点
  • 别把东西碰倒了
  • 这一点都不好笑

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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 09 Part 4

pèiqí hé qiáozhì kāishǐ bāng bàba zhǎo yǎnjìng le
Peppa and George started to help dad look for glasses.

  • 佩奇 = pèiqí, Peppa Pig
  • 和 = hé, and, together with
  • 乔治 = qiáozhì, George Pig
  • 开始 = kāishǐ, to start
  • 帮 = bāng, to help
  • 爸爸 = bàba, dad
  • 找 = zhǎo, to look for
  • 眼镜 = yǎnjìng, glasses. Pay attention to the tone because 眼睛 = yǎnjīng, with a different tone on jing, means eyes. They are often used in related contexts.
  • 了 = le, indicating past tense
  • 开始 + verb + 了, started to do something. For example, 开始吃饭了 = kāishǐ chīfànle, started to eat, 开始做作业了 = kāishǐ zuò zuo yè le, started to do homework.

pèiqí zhǎo le bàozhǐ dǐxia
Peppa looked under the newspaper.

  • 找了 = zhǎo le, this is a very commonly used and very colloquial expression! 找了 + location means looked for something at that location. In this part and next part of S01E09 you’ll see many examples. If someone is asking for your help to look for something, you often ask “where have you looked?”. In Chinese, that’d be 你找了哪儿了 = Nǐ zhǎole nǎr le
  • 报纸 = bàozhǐ, newspaper.
  • 底下 = dǐxia, under

dànshì bàba de yǎnjìng búzài zhèr
But dad’s glasses are not here.

qiáozhì zhǎo le diànshìjī de shàngmiàn
George looked at the top of the TV.

  • 电视机 = diànshìjī, TV, 电视 is even more commonly used
  • 上面 = shàngmiàn, on top of

dànshì bàba de yǎnjìng yě búzài nàr
But dad’s glasses were not there either

  • 也 = yě, also, too/either
  • 那儿 = nàr, there

wǒmen dào lóushàng bàba māma de wòshì lǐ qù kànkàn ba
Let’s go to daddy and mommy’s bedroom upstairs to look.

  • 我们 = wǒmen, we/us.
  • 到 = dào, go to.
  • 楼上 = lóushàng, upstairs. 楼下 = lóu xià,  is downstairs.. You can also use them on their own such as 去楼上 = qù lóushàng, go upstairs. 
  • 妈妈 = māma, mom
  • 卧室 = wòshì, bedroom
  • 爸爸妈妈的卧室 = bàba māma de wòshì, mom and dad’s bedroom. Note that there is no “and” in between 爸爸 and 妈妈. 爸爸妈妈 is a phrase that’s often used this way.
  • 里 = lǐ, inside
  • 去 = qù, go
  • 看看 = kànkàn, to see, check my post on repeating verbs
  • 吧 = , making a suggestion
  • 到 + place + 去 + verb means to go to the place to do something
    • 到 and 去 have similar meaning. The whole sentence can also be rephrased as 我们去楼上爸爸妈妈的卧室里看看吧. (You’d drop the original 去 if you use 去 at the beginning).

pèiqí hé qiáozhì kāishǐ zài bàba māma de fángjiān lǐ zhǎo
Peppa and George started to look in mom and dad’s room

  • 房间 = fángjiān, room. In a house somebody’s 房间 pretty much implies it’s a bedroom.

qiáozhì nǐ yào xiǎoxīn yìdiǎn
George, you should be careful.

  • 你 = nǐ, you
  • 要 = yào, should
  • 小心 = xiǎoxīn, be careful
  • 一点 = yìdiǎn, little bit
  • 小心一点 = xiǎoxīn yìdiǎn, is a set phrase. I think it sounds less serious than 小心 on its own. If you are in a life or death situation, you’d be 小心, not 小心一点.

bié bǎ dōngxi pèng dǎo le
Don’t bump into anything.

  • 别 = bié, don’t. It’s similar to 不要 = bùyào. I think it’s short for 不要. If you read 不要 quickly it sounds like 别.
  • 东西 = dōngxi, a thing, a generic object.
  • 碰 = pèng, to bump
  • 倒了 = dǎo le, fall over, describing the action of falling over.
  • 碰倒了 means you accidentally bump into something to cause it fall over.
  • 倒了 is a pretty useful expression. I find in day to day life you often come across something that falls over. For example, 我杯子倒了 = wǒ bēizi dàole, my cup fell over.
  • Another related expression is 摔倒了. For example,
    • 我踩香蕉皮摔倒了 = wǒ cǎi xiāngjiāopí shuāi dǎo le, I stepped on a banana peel and fell.
    • 我路滑摔倒了 = lù huá shuāi dǎo le, the road is slippery and I fell.

zhè yìdiǎn dōu bù hǎoxiào
This isn’t funny at all.

  • 这 = zhè, this
  • 都 = dōu, all
  • 一点都不 = yìdiǎn dōu bù, not at all
  • 好笑 = hǎoxiào, funny

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