Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E03 “Best Friend” Part 5:
- zhū bàba guòlái zhǎo qiáozhì le
- ò, zāogāo, qiáozhì tā shì zěnmele
- bié dānxīn, bàba, wányóuxì éryǐ
- qiáozhì shì wǒmende bìngrén
- ò, wǒ míngbai le
- nà wǒ kěyǐ lái tànwàng bìngrén ma
- zhǐnéng kàn yíhuìr ò
- yīnwèi tā kěnéng huì hěn lèi
- 猪爸爸过来找乔治了
- 哦,糟糕,乔治他是怎么了
- 别担心,爸爸,玩游戏而已
- 乔治是我们的病人
- 哦,我明白了
- 那我可以来探望病人吗
- 只能看一会儿哦
- 因为他可能会很累
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 03 Part 5
zhū bàba guòlái zhǎo qiáozhì le
Daddy pick came over to find George.
- 猪爸爸 = zhū bàba, Daddy Pig
- 过来 = guòlái, come over
- 找 = zhǎo, find
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, the Chinese name of George Pig.
- 了 = le, indicating the event happened in the past.
ò, zāogāo, qiáozhì tā shì zěnmele
Oh no, what‘s up with George?
- 哦,糟糕 = ò, zāogāo. This expression could sound a bit foreign as well, especially with the o.
- 他 = tā, he.
- 是 = shì, is
- 怎么 = zěnme, how, what
- 他是怎么了 = tā shì zěnmele, what’s up with him? You can also omit 是 in this sentence.
bié dānxīn, bàba, wányóuxì éryǐ
Don’t worry, dad, we’re just playing a game.
- 别 = bié, don’t. It’s similar to 不要 = bùyào. I think it’s short for 不要. If you read 不要 quickly it sounds like 别.
- 担心 = dānxīn, worry.
- 玩 = wán, play.
- 游戏 = yóuxì, game.
- 而已 = éryǐ, just, downplaying the situation.
qiáozhì shì wǒmende bìngrén
George is our patient.
- 我们的 = wǒmende, our or ours.
- 病人 = bìngrén, patient.
ò, wǒ míngbai le
Oh, I see.
- 我 = wǒ, I.
- 明白 = míngbai, understand.
nà wǒ kěyǐ lái tànwàng bìngrén ma
Can I come visit the patient?
- 那 = nà, then in that case
- 可以 = kěyǐ, allowed to
- 来 = lái, come
- 探望 = tànwàng, visit, mostly used when you’re visiting somebody sick at home or hospital.
zhǐnéng kàn yíhuìr ò
Only for a little while.
- 只 = zhǐ, only
- 能 = néng, able to
- 看 = kàn, literally means watch, but here it means visit
- 一会儿 = yíhuìr, a little while. Read about how to use er-coloring in my focused article.
yīnwèi tā kěnéng huì hěn lèi
Because he may be very tried.
- 因为 = yin1wei4, because
- 可能 = kěnéng, could
- 会 = huì, indicating possibility, could be interpreted as become. Check similar usage in S01E09 Part 2
- 很 = hěn, very
- 累 = lèi, tired