Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E03 “Best Friend” Part 4:
- wǒ xiǎng dāng hùshi
- wǒ xiǎng dāng yí wèi yīshēng
- nàme shéi kěyǐ lái dāng bìngrén ne
- pèiqí hé sūxī xǐhuan bànyǎn yīshēng hé hùshi
- qiáozhì yě xǐhuan
- pèiqí tīng le tīng qiáozhì de xīnzàng
- hǎo le qiáozhì, shēn xī yìkǒuqì, ránhòu késou
- wǒ juéde nǐde xīntiào yǒu yìdiǎn màn
- wǒ bāng nǐ tiē kuài chuāngkǒutiē
- bǎ zuǐ zhāngdà yìdiǎn
- sūxī gěi qiáozhì liáng le tǐwēn
- ò, tiānna, nǐde tǐwēn hěn gāo hěn gāo
- wǒ xiǎng nǐ děi zài chuángshàng tǎng shàng sān nián le
- 我想当护士
- 我想当一位医生
- 那么谁可以来当病人呢
- 佩奇和苏西喜欢扮演医生和护士
- 乔治也喜欢
- 佩奇听了听乔治的心脏
- 好了 乔治,深吸一口气,然后咳嗽
- 我觉得你的心跳有一点慢
- 我帮你贴块创口贴
- 把嘴张大一点
- 苏西给乔治量了体温
- 哦,天哪,你的体温很高很高
- 我想你得在床上躺上三年了
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 03 Part 4
wǒ xiǎng dāng hùshi
I want to be a nurse.
- 我 = wǒ, I.
- 想 = xiǎng, to want.
- 当 = dāng, be. Note that this sentence isn’t saying I want to become a nurse in reality but only pretend to be one for now.
- 护士 = hùshi, nurse.
wǒ xiǎng dāng yí wèi yīshēng
I want to be a doctor.
- 一位 = yí wèi, one. Refer to a respectful person. It can be omitted in this sentence similar to the last one.
- 医生 = yīshēng, doctor.
nàme shéi kěyǐ lái dāng bìngrén ne
Well, who can be the patient?
- 那么 = nàme, well then.
- 谁 = shéi, who.
- 可以 = kěyǐ, can, able to.
- 来 = lái, come. In this sentence this word can be omitted.
- 病人 = bìngrén, patient.
pèiqí hé sūxī xǐhuan bànyǎn yīshēng hé hùshi
Peppa and Suzy like to play doctor and nurse.
- 佩奇 = pèiqí, the Chinese name of Peppa Pig.
- 和 = hé, and.
- 苏西 = sūxī, the Chinese name of Suzy Sheep.
- 喜欢 = xǐhuan, to like.
- 扮演 = bànyǎn, to pretend play.
qiáozhì yě xǐhuan
George likes it too.
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, the Chinese name of George Pig.
- 也 = yě, also.
pèiqí tīng le tīng qiáozhì de xīnzàng
Peppa listened to George’s heart.
- 听 = tīng, to listen.
- 听了听 = tīng le tīng, to listen. This is very colloquial. Read more about repeating verbs in a focuses post.
- 的 = de, indicating belonging.
- 心脏 = xīnzàng, heart, the organ, the physical one. In a more abstract context, use 心 = xīn.
hǎo le qiáozhì, shēn xī yìkǒuqì, ránhòu késou
好了, 乔治,深吸一口气,然后咳嗽
Alright, George, deep breathe, and cough.
- 好了 = hǎo le, alright, okay.
- 深 = shēn, deep.
- 吸 = xi1, to inhale.
- 一口气 = yìkǒuqì, one breath.
- 深吸一口气 = shēn xī yìkǒuqì, one deep inhale.
- 然后 = ránhòu, and then.
- 咳嗽 = késou, to cough.
wǒ juéde nǐde xīntiào yǒu yìdiǎn màn
I think your heart beat is a bit slow.
- 觉得 = juéde, to think, feel, subjective.
- 你的 = nǐde, yours. Sometimes you can omit the de.
- 心跳 = xīntiào, heart beat.
- 有 = yǒu, have.
- 一点 = yìdiǎn, a little bit.
- 有一点 = yǒu yìdiǎn. In this context, it means something is a little bit + adjective. Other expressions include: 天有一点冷 = Tiān yǒu yīdiǎn lěng, the weather is a little cold.
- 慢 = màn, slow.
wǒ bāng nǐ tiē kuài chuāngkǒutiē
I’ll help you put on a bandage.
- 我帮你 = wǒ bāng nǐ, let me help you.
- 贴 = tiē, to stick.
- 块 = kuài, unit word for square or rectangular objects such as bandage. Here the sentence omitted one, from 一块 = yīkuài.
- 创口贴 = chuāngkǒutiē, bandaid.
bǎ zuǐ zhāngdà yìdiǎn
Open your mouth wide.
- 把 = bǎ, make.
- 嘴 = zuǐ, mouth.
- 张大 = zhāngdà, to open wide.
sūxī gěi qiáozhì liáng le tǐwēn
Suzy measured George’s body temperature.
- 给 = gěi, doing something for somebody.
- 量 = liáng, to measure.
- 体温 = tǐwēn, body temperature.
- 量了体温 = liáng le tǐwēn, measured body temperature.
- 了 = le, indicates the action (量) has been done.
ò, tiānna, nǐde tǐwēn hěn gāo hěn gāo
Oh god, your body temperature is very high.
- 哦,天哪 = ò, tiānna. oh god. Note, Chinese people don’t usually use this expression. It’s a direct translation of the English expression, but if you use it, any Chinese would understand. Sometimes people do use 天哪 by itself. The oh makes the expression sound foreign.
- 很 = hěn, very.
- 高 = gāo, tall.
- 很高很高 = hěn gāo hěn gāo, very very tall. Repeating to emphasize.
wǒ xiǎng nǐ děi zài chuángshàng tǎng shàng sān nián le
I think you would have to be laying in bed for three years!
- 得 = děi, would have to. Super colloquial, usually implies reluctantly.
- 床 = chuáng, bed
- 上 = shàng, (the first one in the sentence), on top of
- 在床上 = zài chuángshàng, on top of the bed.
- 躺 = tǎng, to lay.
- 三 = sān, three.
- 年 = nián, year.
- 上 = shàng, (the second one in the sentence) can be translated as “for”, indicating doing something continuously for some time. The expression is quite colloquial. Other examples include 饺子煮上三分钟 = Jiǎozi zhǔ shàng sān fēnzhōng, cook the dumplings for three minutes.
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