Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E03 “Best Friend” Part 2:
- pèiqí hé sūxī xǐhuan zài pèiqí de wòshì lǐ wán
- qiáozhì yě xǐhuan
- bùxíng, qiáozhì. wǒmende yóuxì zhǐ shìhé nǚháizi wánr.
- nǐ qù wán nǐzìjǐ de wánjùba
- pèiqí hé sūxī xiǎngyào zìjǐ wán
- wǒ shì yí wèi xiǎoxiǎo xiānnǚ gōngzhǔ
- wǒ xiànzài yào huīdòng wǒde mófǎ bàng le
- ránhòu bǎ nǐ biànchéng qīngwā
- 佩奇和苏西喜欢在佩奇的卧室里玩
- 乔治也喜欢
- 不行,乔治。我们的游戏只适合女孩子玩儿。
- 你去玩你自己的玩具吧
- 佩奇和苏西想要自己玩
- 我是一位小小仙女公主
- 我现在要挥动我的魔法棒了
- 然后把你变成青蛙
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 03 Part 2
pèiqí hé sūxī xǐhuan zài pèiqí de wòshì lǐ wán
佩奇 和 苏西 喜欢 在 佩奇的 卧室里 玩
Peppa and Suzy like to play in Peppa’s bedroom.
- 佩奇 = pèiqí, the Chinese name of our protagonist Peppa Pig.
- 佩奇的 = pèiqí de, Peppa’s, 的 indicates belonging.
- 和 = hé, and, together with.
- 苏西 = sūxī, the Chinese name of Suzy.
- 喜欢 = xǐhuan, to like. Super commonly used word. You can like pretty much anything.
- 在 = zài, at, indicating location.
- 卧室 = wòshì, bedroom.
- 里 = lǐ, inside. 卧室里 = wòshì lǐ means in the bedroom. You can use 里 = lǐ to indicate location such as at the school 学校里 = xuéxiào lǐ.
- 玩 = wán, to play. Usually pronounced with Er at the end. Read about how to use er-coloring in my focused article.
qiáozhì yě xǐhuan
乔治 也 喜欢。
George also likes it.
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, the Chinese name of Peppa’s brother George Pig.
- 也 = yě, also, too.
- “It” is omitted in the sentence. It’s common when the object has appeared in the context (playing in Peppa’s bedroom).
bùxíng, qiáozhì. wǒmende yóuxì zhǐ shìhé nǚháizi wánr
不行,乔治。我们的 游戏 只适合 女孩子 玩
No, George. Our game is only appropriate for girls to play.
- 不 = bù, No
- 不行 = bùxíng, No, not allowed. Learn more about how to say No in Chinese!
- 我 = wǒ, I
- 我们 = wǒmen, us
- 我们的 = wǒmende, our or ours
- 游戏 = yóuxì, game
- 只 = zhǐ, only
- 适合 = shìhé, appropriate
- 女孩子 = nǚháizi, girls. 女孩 Nu:3hai2 with an Er sound at the end also means girls.
nǐ qù wán nǐzìjǐ de wánjù ba
你去 玩你自己的 玩具吧
You go play with your own toys.
- 你 = nǐ, you
- 去 = qù, to go
- 自己 = zìjǐ, self
- 你自己的 = nǐzìjǐ de, your own. Technically it should be 你的自己的, but in colloquial Chinese you drop the first 的. For example, 你自己, yourself, 我自己, myself, 他自己, himself, 他们自己, themselves.
- 玩具 = wánjù, toys
- 吧 = ba, indicating the sentence is a suggestion
pèiqí hé sūxī xiǎngyào zìjǐ wán
佩奇 和 苏西 想要 自己玩
Peppa and Suzy want to play by themselves.
- 想要 = xiǎngyào, to want
- 想要自己玩儿 = xiǎngyào zìjǐ wánr, to want to play by themselves
wǒ shì yí wèi xiǎoxiǎo xiānnǚ gōngzhǔ
我是 一位 小小仙女 公主
I am a fairy princess.
- 是 = shì, am/is/are
- 一位 = yí wèi, one (person) in a respectful way
- 小小 = xiǎoxiǎo, little
- 仙女 = xiānnǚ, fairy girl
- 公主 = gōngzhǔ, princess
wǒ xiànzài yào huīdòng wǒde mófǎ bàng le
我 现在 要 挥动 我的 魔法棒 了
Now I am about to wave my magic wand.
- 现在 = xiànzài, now
- 要 = yào, going to / about to
- 挥动 = huīdòng, to wave
- 魔法 = mófǎ, magic
- 魔法棒 = mófǎ bàng, magic wand. 棒 = bàng generally refers to a stick such as 棒球棒 = bàngqiú bàng, baseball bat.
- 了 = le, combined with 要 = yào, indicates the subject is about to do something immediately
ránhòu bǎ nǐ biànchéng qīngwā
然后 把 你 变成 青蛙
And then turn you into a frog
- 然后 = ránhòu, and then / afterwards. Very commonly used transition word.
- 变 = biàn, to change
- 变成 = biànchéng, to change into
- 把A变成B = bǎ A biànchéng B, turn A into B
- 青蛙 = qīngwā, frog
This site is so helpful. I love how you break it down into small bites. I have a minor suggestion. It would be nice to have the ability to hide/show toggle to test myself.
ránhòu bǎ nǐ biànchéng qīngwā [show/hide]
然后 把 你 变成 青蛙 [show/hide]
And then turn you into a frog [show/hide]
For example, sometimes I want to only look at the Pinying and so I would hide English to test myself.
Thanks again for putting in all the hard work, much appreciated.