Learn Mandarin: Peppa Pig S01E51 Part 5

Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E51 “Daddy’s Movie Camera” Part 5:

  • pāi hǎo le ma
  • wǒ kěyǐ jìnlái kàn yǐngpiàn ma
  • wánchéng le, nǐ kěyǐ jìnlái le
  • qiáozhì hé pèiqí dōu pāi le yí duàn yǐngpiàn
  • nà wǒmen xiānlái kànkan qiáozhì de yǐngpiàn ba
  • kǒnglóng
  • qiáozhì jiǎzhuāng zìjǐ shì yīzhī kǒnglóng
  • zhè zhēnshi yīzhī hěn xiàrén de kǒnglóng
  • ò, tiānna, qiáozhì xiàhuài le
  • búyào hàipà, qiáozhì
  • diànshì shàng de nàge búshi zhēnde kǒnglóng, shì nǐ

  • 拍好了吗
  • 我可以进来看影片吗
  • 完成了,你可以进来了
  • 乔治和佩奇都拍了一段影片
  • 那我们先来看看乔治的影片吧
  • 恐龙
  • 乔治假装自己是一只恐龙
  • 这真是一只很吓人的恐龙
  • 哦,天哪,乔治吓坏了
  • 不要害怕,乔治
  • 电视上的那个不是真的恐龙,是你

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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 51 Part 5

pāi hǎo le ma
Are you done shooting?

  • 拍 = pāi, to shoot videos, or take photos: 拍照片 = pāi zhàopiàn
  • 好 = hǎo, well/good
  • 了 = le, indicating past tense
  • 吗 = ma, turns a statement into a question
  • verb + 好了吗 is a common expression to ask whether some activity has been done. The activity usually takes some time to do. For example, 饭做好了吗? = Fàn zuò hǎole ma. Are you done cooking?
  • A similar expression is 完了吗 ? = wánle ma, which also means “done?” These expressions in most cases are interchangeable but they do have nuanced differences, to me, “好了吗” is more focused on the results of the activity, not only are they asking whether it’s been done, but they are also interested in the quality of the product. “完了吗” sounds like what matters the most is whether the activity has been done.
    • The person asking 饭做好了吗 wants to know whether the cooking is done so that he could join and eat soon.
    • The person asking 饭做完了吗 is interested in knowing whether the activity of cooking is finished, but he may not be eating soon.

wǒ kěyǐ jìnlái kàn yǐngpiàn ma
May I come in to watch the video?

  • 我 = wǒ, I
  • 可以 = kěyǐ, could/cam
  • 进来 = jìnlái, to come in.
  • 看 = kàn, to watch
  • 影片 = yǐngpiàn, a video clip
  • 进来看 = jìnlái kàn, to come in to watch. 

wánchéng le, nǐ kěyǐ jìnlái le
Done, you may come in.

  • 完成 = wánchéng. You could also use 拍完了 or 拍好了 here.
  • 你 = nǐ, you

qiáozhì hé pèiqí dōu pāi le yí duàn yǐngpiàn
George and Peppa both shot a short video.

  • 乔治 = qiáozhì, George Pig
  • 佩奇 = pèiqí, Peppa Pig
  • 和 = hé, and/together with
  • 都 = dōu, all / both
  • 段 = duàn, the measurement word for a short clip of video. Often 段 means only a portion of a full video.
  • 了 = le, indicating past tense, appended to the verb

nà wǒmen xiānlái kànkan qiáozhì de yǐngpiàn ba
Then let’s first take a look at George’s video

  • 那 = nà, then
  • 我们 = wǒmen, we
  • 先 = xiān, first
  • 来 = lái, to come
  • 看看 = kànkan, to watch. See my post on repeating verbs
  • Note: The use of 来 看看 is kinda similar to 进来 看 where you’ve got to verbs next to each other together.
  • 吧 = ba, indicating suggestion
  • If you drop 来, the meaning of the sentence “我们先看看” pretty much remains the same. Having the 来 is slightly more welcoming. If I want to suggest let’s do something together I’d usually use 来 in there. For example, 我们来吃饭吧 = wǒmen lái chīfàn ba, let’s come eat together.


qiáozhì jiǎzhuāng zìjǐ shì yīzhī kǒnglóng
George pretends that he’s a dinosaur

  • 假装 = jiǎzhuāng, to pretend
  • 自己 = zìjǐ, self
  • In this sentence, you could replace 自己 with 他 here but 自己 sounds more natural.
  • 只 = zhī, the measure word for dinosaur. It’s kinda surprising because 只 usually is applied to a small animal. I think if an animal doesn’t have its own specific measure word, you by default use 只, similar to 个 for non-living objects.
  • Note that 自己是一只恐龙 is a grammatically correct sentence but you wouldn’t use straight up 自己 as the subject. I translated the preamble 乔治假装 as “George pretends that…”
  • To contrast, you could also say 乔治假装成一只恐龙 = qiáozhì jiǎzhuāng chéng yīzhī kǒnglóng. George is pretending to be a dinosaur. 成 is similar to “to be” in English.
  • These two sentences have pretty much the same meaning. However, I think 乔治假装自己是一只恐龙 implies he is truly pretending as he was dinosaur (emphasizes on subjective feelings). but 乔治假装成一只恐龙 is closer to he’s dressed up and acting like a dinosaur (emphasizes on objective looks and actions).

zhè zhēnshi yīzhī hěn xiàrén de kǒnglóng
This is truly a scary dinosaur!

  • 这 = zhè, this
  • 真是 = zhēnshi, truly is, really is
  • 很 = hěn, very
  • 吓人的 = xiàrén de, scary, a pretty colloquial expression

ò, tiānna, qiáozhì xiàhuài le
Oh god, George is scared silly

  • 哦,天哪 = ò, tiānna, literally oh god.
  • 吓坏了 = xiàhuài, be scared silly

búyào hàipà, qiáozhì
Don’t be scared, George 

  • 不要 = búyào, don’t be in an imperative
  • 害怕 = hàipà, to feel scared. It’s interesting that “to feel scared” and “scary” are very different words.

diànshì shàng de nàge búshi zhēnde kǒnglóng, shì nǐ
What’s on TV is not a real dinosaur, it is you

  • 电视 = diànshì, TV
  • 上 = shàng, used in the context of TV it means “on”. Similarly, you can say 电脑上 such as in S01E07 Part 2.
  • 那个 = nàge, that thing
  • 的 = de, turns “on TV” into an adjective that describes 那个
  • 不是 = búshi, is not
  • 真的 = zhēnde, real

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