Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E04 “Polly Parrot” Part 2:
- zhū yéye hé zhū nǎinai yǎng le yì zhī chǒngwù yīngwǔ
- pèiqí, qiáozhì, zhè jiùshì wǒmende xīn chǒngwù le
- tā de míngzi jiào bōlì
- piàoliang de bōlì
- yì zhī cōngming de yīngwǔ
- māma, wèishénme bùguǎn nǎinai shuō shénme bōlì dōu huì gēnzhe shuō ne
- yīngwǔ huì xuérén shuōhuà, nǐ kànzhe
- nǐhǎo, bōlì
- zhēnshi zhī kěài de xiǎo yīngwǔ
- 猪爷爷和猪奶奶养了一只宠物鹦鹉
- 佩奇,乔治,这就是我们的新宠物了
- 它的名字叫波利
- 漂亮的波利
- 一只聪明的鹦鹉
- 妈妈,为什么不管奶奶说什么波利都会跟着说呢
- 鹦鹉会学人说话,你看着
- 你好,波利
- 真是只可爱的小鹦鹉
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 04 Part 2
zhū yéye hé zhū nǎinai yǎng le yì zhī chǒngwù yīngwǔ
猪 爷爷 和 猪 奶奶 养 了 一 只 宠物 鹦鹉
Grandpa Pig and Granny Pig have a pet parrot.
- 猪爷爷 = zhū yéye, Granpa Pig
- 猪奶奶 = zhū nǎinai, Granny Pig
- 和 = hé, and, together with.
- 养 = yǎng, raise (a pet, a kid, etc)
- 了 = le, usually indicating it happened in the past, but it’s often used loosely to indicate the status change from doing something to doing another thing.
- 一 = yì, one
- 只 = zhī, the unit word for many animals.
- 宠物 = chǒngwù, pet
- 鹦鹉 = yīngwǔ, parrot
pèiqí, qiáozhì, zhè jiùshì wǒmende xīn chǒngwù le
佩奇,乔治,这 就是 我们的 新 宠物了
Peppa, Geroge, this is our new pet.
- 佩奇 = pèiqí, the Chinese name of Peppa Pig
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, the Chinese name of George Pig
- 这 = zhè, this
- 就是 = jiùshì, am/is/are, used for emphasis when you’re showing something off
- 我们的 = wǒmende, our/ours
- 的 = de, indicating belonging
- 新 = xīn, new
tāde míngzi jiào bōlì
它的 名字 叫 波利
His name is Polly.
- 它的 = tā de, its
- 名字 = míngzi, name
- 叫 = jiào, means am/is/are when used with names
- 波利 = bōlì, Chinese transcription of Polly
piàoliang de bōlì
漂亮的 波利
Pretty Polly.
- 漂亮 = piàoliang, pretty. Can be directly used to describe a subject such as 你很漂亮 = nǐ hěn piàoliang. You’re very pretty
- 的 = de, used after adjectives if used to describe an object in a sentence. 漂亮的娃娃 = piàoliang de wáwá, pretty doll.
yìzhī cōngming de yīngwǔ
一只 聪明 的 鹦鹉
A smart parrot.
- 聪明 = cōngming, smart
māma, wèishénme bùguǎn nǎinai shuō shénme bōlì dōu huì gēnzhe shuō ne
妈妈,为什么 不管 奶奶 说 什么, 波利 都 会 跟着 说 呢
Mom, why is that whatever Granny said, Polly would repeat it?
- 妈妈 = māma, mom
- 为什么 = wèishénme, why, it is used to ask for an explanation here. Check out my explanation of 为什么 in an article.
- The whole sentence can be broken down into 为什么 + sentence + 呢. The sentence is “不管奶奶说什么,都会跟着说”.
- 不管 + A, 都 + B is a set phrase to express “no matter A, B will happen.”
- 不管 = bùguǎn, no matter what
- 奶奶 = nǎinai, paternal grandmother. I call my maternal grandmother 姥姥 = lǎolao.
- 说 = shuō, speak
- 什么 = shénme, what
- 都 = dōu, all
- 会 = huì, will. Technically this isn’t adding much meaning after 都. The sentence would mean exactly the same thing if you omit 会.
- 跟着 = gēnzhe, follow
- 跟着说 = gēnzhe shuō, repeat speaking
- 呢 is optional, and it makes the question softer. It makes the question sounds more like “I’m wondering why” rather than “WHY? I want an explanation!”.
yīngwǔ huì xuérén shuōhuà, nǐ kànzhe
鹦鹉 会 学人 说话,你 看着
Parrot can repeat after people, watch me
- 会 = huì, able to
- 学 = xué, learn, mimic
- 人 = rén, people/person
- 学人 = xuérén, to mimic people
- 说话 = shuōhuà, speak
- 看着 = kànzhe, watch (emphasizing the state)
nǐhǎo, bōlì
Hello, Polly
- 你好 = nǐhǎo, hello (addressing a single person)
zhēnshi zhī kěài de xiǎo yīngwǔ
真是 只 可爱的 小鹦鹉
What a cute parrot
- 真是 = zhēnshi, indeed, used in exclamation
- 可爱 = kěài, cute
- 小 = xiǎo, little, small
- You may wonder why there is no 的 after 小 like 的 in 可爱的:
- When you’re using 大 = dà, big or 小 = xiǎo, small, to describe objects by adding the adjective in front of the object , you often omit 的. Examples : 小猪 = xiǎo zhū, a piglet ; 大树 = dàshù, a big tree; 小房子 = xiǎo fángzi, a little house ; 大卡车 = dà kǎchē, big truck ; 小铃铛 = xiǎo língdang, a little bell