Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E04 “Polly Parrot” Part 5:
- pèiqí zài xiǎng yǒu shénme kě hé yīngwǔ bōlì shuō de
- wǒ shì yì zhǐ chǎo rén de yīngwǔ
- pèiqí, qiáozhì, nǐmen zài hé bōlì wánr ma
- shìde, nǎinai
- bōlì shì yì zhǐ kěài de xiǎo yīngwǔ
- shìde, nǎinai
- yì zhǐ cōngming de yīngwǔ
- yì zhǐ chǎo rén de yīngwǔ
- wǒ shì yì zhǐ chǎo rén de yīngwǔ
- ò, wǒde tiānna
- 佩奇在想有什么可和鹦鹉波利说的
- 我是一只吵人的鹦鹉
- 佩奇,乔治,你们在和波利玩儿吗
- 是的,奶奶
- 波利是一只可爱的小鹦鹉
- 是的,奶奶
- 一只聪明的鹦鹉
- 一只吵人的鹦鹉
- 我是一只吵人的鹦鹉
- 哦,我的天哪
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 04 Part 5
pèiqí zài xiǎng yǒu shénme kě hé yīngwǔ bōlì shuō de
Peppa is trying to think of something she could say to Polly Parrot.
- 佩奇 = pèiqí, Peppa Pig
- 在 = zài, curently doing
- 想 = xiǎng, to think, 在想 is thinking
- 有 = yǒu, to have
- 什么 = shénme
- 可 = kě, able to, 可 can be omitted in this sentence and it would mean exactly the same thing. In English, it’s probably the difference between “think of something to say” (without 可) vs “think of something she could say” (with 可).
- 和 = hé, with
- 鹦鹉波利 = yīngwǔ bōlì, Polly Parrot
- 说 = shuō, to talk
- 有什么(可) + verb + 的 is a common structure. Other examples include:
- 有什么(可)吃的 = chī , what’s there to eat
- 有什么(可)玩儿的 = wán, what’s there to play (to do)
- 有什么(可)看的 = kàn, what’s there to see/watch (Peppa Pig, of course.)
wǒ shì yì zhǐ chǎo rén de yīngwǔ
I am one noisy parrot.
- 我 = wǒ, I/me
- 是 = shì, am/is/are
- 一只 = yì zhǐ, one, 只 is a common measure word for small animals.
- 吵人的 = chǎo rén de, noisy. To describe something noisy, you can also use 很吵 = hěn chǎo.
pèiqí, qiáozhì, nǐmen zài hé bōlì wánr ma
Peppa, George, are you playing with Polly?
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, George Pig
- 你们 = nǐmen, you (plural)
- 玩儿 = wánr, to play. Read about how to use er-coloring in my focused article.
- 吗 = ma, indicating it’s a question
shìde, nǎinai
Yes, grandma.
bōlì shì yì zhǐ kěài de xiǎo yīngwǔ
Polly is one cute little parrot.
- 可爱的 = kěài de, cute.
- 小 = xiǎo, little, small
- You may wonder why there is no 的 after 小 like 的 in 可爱的:
When you’re using 大 = dà, big or 小 = xiǎo, small, to describe objects by adding the adjective in front of the object , you often omit 的. Examples : 小猪 = xiǎo zhū, a piglet ; 大树 = dàshù, a big tree; 小房子 = xiǎo fángzi, a little house ; 大卡车 = dà kǎchē, big truck ; 小铃铛 = xiǎo língdang, a little bell
shìde, nǎinai
Yes, grandma.
yì zhǐ cōngming de yīngwǔ
One smart parrot.
- 聪明的 = cōngming de, smart
yì zhǐ chǎo rén de yīngwǔ
One noisy parrot
wǒ shì yì zhǐ chǎo rén de yīngwǔ
I am one noisy parrot
ò, wǒde tiānna
Oh my god.
- Oh my god isn’t commonly used in Chinese. However some people do use 我的天 which means my heaven (referring to the Chinese heaven, not the God), but they wouldn’t add the 哦 at the beginning.