Learn Mandarin: Peppa Pig S01E46 Part 1

This is just a fun episode with lots of easy but commonly used expressions. I hope you enjoy it!

Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E46 “At the Beach” Part 1:

  • qù hǎibiān wán
  • pèiqí yìjiā yào qù hǎibiān wánr
  • pèiqí hé qiáozhì zuì xǐhuan qù hǎibiān wánr
  • zhème duō de dōngxi
  • wǒmen bìxū xiǎoxīn
  • bié bǎ dōngxi làxià le
  • zhēyángsǎn, hǎitān bāo, máojīn, shuǐtǒng, chǎnzi, háiyǒu yīgè shātān qiú
  • hěnhǎo
  • dàn zài nǐmen wánr zhīqián, dōu děi xiān tú hǎo fángshàishuāng
  • tàiyang tài dú le
  • suǒyǐ pèiqí hé qiáozhì yào tú shàng fángshàishuāng

  • 去海边玩
  • 佩奇一家要去海边玩儿
  • 佩奇和乔治最喜欢去海边玩儿
  • 这么多的东西
  • 我们必须小心
  • 别把东西落下了
  • 遮阳伞、海滩包、毛巾、水桶、铲子, 还有一个沙滩球
  • 很好
  • 但在你们玩儿之前,都得先涂好防晒霜
  • 太阳太毒了
  • 所以佩奇和乔治要涂上防晒霜

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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 46 Part 1

qù hǎibiān wán
去 海边 玩
Going to play at the beach

  • 去 = qù, to go, to visit
  • 海 = hǎi, the sea
  • 边 = biān, side
  • 海边 = hǎibiān, by the sea, typically refers to the beach. The beach can also be translated as 海滩 = hǎitān
  • 玩 = wán, to play. I think it’s not er-colorized here because it’s in the title so it’s more formal to do without 儿.

pèiqí yìjiā yào qù hǎibiān wánr
佩奇 一家 要 去 海边 玩儿
Peppa’s family are going to the beach to play

  • 佩奇= pèiqí, Peppa Pig
  • 一家 = yìjiā, one family, the whole family
  • person + 一家 refers to the whole family of the person
  • 要 = yào, is going to, is about to
  • 玩儿, the same as 玩, read about how to use er-coloring in my focused article.

pèiqí hé qiáozhì zuì xǐhuan qù hǎibiān wánr
佩奇 和 乔治 最 喜欢 去 海边 玩儿
Peppa and George like going to the beach very much.

  • 和 = hé, and, together with
  • 乔治 = qiáozhì, George Pig
  • 最 = zuì, most
  • 喜欢 = xǐhuan, to like
  • 最喜欢 is often used to describe liking something or enjoying doing something very much, but it does not necessarily imply it’s the favorite. You can 最喜欢 many things.
  • I would strongly recommend you add a 了 at the end of this sentence 最喜欢 + noun + 了 is a set phrase! Don’t drop the 了. I made the modification in my own recording. Also see S01E43 Part 4.

zhème duō de dōngxi
这么 多 的 东西
So much stuff!

  • 这么= zhème, so, such
  • 多(的) = duō (de), much, many
  • 东西 = dōngxi, things, stuff
  • Exclamatory sentences in the form of 这么 + adjective + 的 + noun are super common. For example:
    • Such a cold day! 这么冷的天!zhème lěng de tiān
    • Such tasty food! 这么好吃的饭! zhème hào chī de fàn
    • What an expensive watch! 这么贵的手表!zhème guì de shǒubiǎo

wǒmen bìxū xiǎoxīn
我们 必须 小心
We gotta be careful

  • 我们 = wǒmen, we
  • 必须 = bìxū, must
  • 小心 = xiǎoxīn, be careful
  • So in very serious situations, this sentence could mean very seriously being careful. But we’re not dealing with a life or death situation here.

bié bǎ dōngxi làxià le
别 把 东西 落下 了
Don’t leave anything behind.

  • 别 = bié, a colloquial expression for Don’t
  • 把 + something + 落下 = làxià, to leave something behind. If you pronounce 落 as luò, it would mean to fall or to drop, such as leaves falling.
  • 了 = le, often used at the end of an imperative sentence, for example, 别吃了 = bié chīle, Don’t eat anymore.

zhēyángsǎn, hǎitān bāo, máojīn, shuǐtǒng, chǎnzi, háiyǒu yīgè shātān qiú
遮阳伞 、 海滩 包 、 毛巾 、 水桶 、 铲子 , 还有 一个 沙滩 球
A sun umbrella, a beach bag, towels, a bucket, a shovel, and a beach ball

  • When you’re calling things out you don’t have to use measure words. 
  • 遮阳 = zhēyáng, to provide shade from the sun, usually used as part of a noun
  • 伞 = sǎn, umbrella
  • 海滩 = hǎitān, sea beach
  • 包 = bāo, bag
  • 毛巾 = máojīn, towels. By the way there is less of a distinction between towels and clothes in Chinese, they can both be called 毛巾.
  • 水桶 = shuǐtǒng, literally water bucket, but you can carry other things too
  • 沙滩 = shātān, sand beach
  • 球 = qiú, ball
  • 还有 = háiyǒu, and also
  • 一个 = yīgè, one, the measure word for a ball, and many things. If you’re not sure what measure words to use, just use 个.

Very good.

dàn zài nǐmen wánr zhīqián, dōu děi xiān tú hǎo fángshàishuāng
但 在 你们 玩儿 之前,都 得 先 涂 好 防晒霜
But before you start playing, you both have to finish applying sun screen first.

  • 但 = dàn, but
  • 你们 = nǐmen, you (plural)
  • 之前 = zhīqián, before
  • 在 … 之前 = zài + (noun) + verb + zhīqián, before somebody starts doing something
  • 都 = dōu, both/all
  • 得 = děi, a colloquial way of saying must
  • 先 = xiān, first
  • 涂 = tú, to apply, to spread, you can also 涂油漆, tú yóuqī, to (apply) paint
  • verb + 好 means finish doing something similar to 拍好了吗 in S01E51 Part 5
  • 防晒霜 = fángshàishuāng, sunscreen
  • 防 = fáng, to protect from, to guard againt
  • 晒 = shài, to shine upon, usually means by the sun
  • 霜 = shuāng, cream in the context of cosmetics
  • Technically the sentence isn’t grammatically complete because it doesn’t explicitly state the subject, but the context is clear.

tàiyang tài dú le
太阳 太 毒 了
The sun is too strong and damaging.

  • 太阳 = tàiyang, sun
  • 太 = tài, too much
  • 毒 = dú, literally means poisonous, but in the context of sun it means the sun is too strong and it’d be damaging the skin. 
  • A similar expression is 太阳太大了 = tàiyáng tài dàle, which literally means the sun is too big, but it also means the sun is too strong. I’d say 毒 is stronger. 
  • Also check S01E09 Part 5 for the usage of 太 … 了

suǒyǐ pèiqí hé qiáozhì yào tú shàng fángshàishuāng
所以 佩奇 和 乔治 要 涂 上 防晒霜
Therefore Peppa and George need to put on the sunscreen.

  • 所以 = suǒyǐ,  therefore
  • Technically, Peppa and George are not applying the sunscreen themselves as you can see from the video, Mummy Pig is applying it. But the emphasis of 要涂上 is that they need to put on suncreen, and it doesn’t matter who is performing the application.  

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