I still watch a lot of Peppa Pig with my daughter during the day (in Chinese, of course). I heard so many useful expressions from this episode, so I decided to jump right into this one. Well, there is no particular order of episodes you have to follow at all! This part isn’t too hard but it’s super practical. I hope you enjoy it!
Mandarin transcript (in pinyin and characters) for Peppa Pig S01E51 “Daddy’s Movie Camera” Part 1:
- bàba de shèxiàngjī
- yóudìyuán bānmǎ xiānsheng zhèngzài gěi pèiqí jiā sòngxìn
- yǒu nǐde bāoguǒ, zhū xiānsheng
- tài gǎnxiè nǐ le, bānmǎ xiānsheng
- zàijiàn
- qiáo ā, yóujú gāng sònglái yīgè bāoguǒ
- yǒu shéi lái cāicāi lǐmiàn shì shénme
- kǒnglóng
- ò, qiáozhì, bùguǎn sònglái de shì shénme dōngxi, nǐ dōu cāi shì kǒnglóng
- zhège bāoguǒ tài xiǎo le
- kǒnglóng zěnme huì zài zhège lǐmiàn ne
- wǒ xiǎng zhèshì yīgè… yīgè xīn wánjù
- dáàn hěn jiējìn le
- 爸爸的摄像机
- 邮递员斑马先生正在给佩奇家送信
- 有你的包裹,猪先生
- 太感谢你了,斑马先生
- 再见
- 瞧啊,邮局刚送来一个包裹
- 有谁来猜猜里面是什么
- 恐龙
- 哦,乔治,不管送来的是什么东西 ,你都猜是恐龙
- 这个包裹太小了
- 恐龙怎么会在这个里面呢
- 我想这是一个…一个新玩具
- 答案很接近了
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Show Notes for Learn Chinese with Peppa Pig Season 01 Episode 51 Part 1
bàba de shèxiàngjī
爸爸 的 摄像机
Dad’s movie camera
- 爸爸 = bàba, dad
- 爸爸的 = bàba de, dad’s
- 摄像 = shèxiàng, to video tape. 摄影 = shèyǐng is a formal expression for to photograph
- 机 = jī, often used for a machine such as 计算机 = jìsuànjī, computer
- 摄像机 = shèxiàngjī, movie camera / video recorder
yóudìyuán bānmǎ xiānsheng zhèngzài gěi pèiqí jiā sòngxìn
邮递员 斑马先生 正在 给 佩奇家 送信
Mailman Mr. Zebra is delivering mails to Peppa’s house.
- 邮递员 = yóudìyuán, postman/mailman.
- 斑马 = bānmǎ, zebra
- 先生 = xiānsheng, sir or Mr. Note that in Chinese you only use last name + 先生 in limited formal settings. Based on my personal experience you probably only use it for businessmen. For most professions, if you want to be respectful, you typically use the profession such as 王律师 = wáng lǜshī, Lawyer Wang, 王老师 = wáng lǎoshī, Teacher Wang, 王大夫 = wáng dàfū, Doctor Wang.
- 正在 = zhèngzài, currently doing
- 佩奇 = pèiqí, Peppa Pig
- 家 = jiā, family. Typically it refers to the physical location unless used in the context of 家人 = jiārén, family members.
- 给 = gěi, give
- 送 = sòng, give/deliver/transport depending on the context
- 信 = xìn, mails
- 送信 = a set phrase for mail delivery. Similar expressions include:
- A food delivery would be called 送餐 = sòng cān
- Delivering goods in business transactions is called 送货 = sòng huò
- Note that 送 used by itself is often related to giving a gift, rather than delivery. 我送了他一个生日礼物 = wǒ sòngle tā yīgè shēngrì lǐwù, I gave him a birthday present.
yǒu nǐde bāoguǒ, zhū xiānsheng
有 你的 包裹,猪 先生
There is a package for you, Mr. Pig
- 有 = yǒu, have, there is…
- 你的 = nǐde, your
- 包裹 = bāoguǒ, package
- 猪 = zhū, pig
- I think there could be two ways you can interpret this sentence:
- One is Mr. Zebra omitted the I in front of the sentence, 我有你的包裹 would mean I have a package for you.
- Another way is just to say there is a package for you. Say somebody called your house to speak to you, your mom picked up the phone call, and she’d yell over the house: “有你的电话!” = yǒu nǐ de diànhuà, literally there is a call for you, or somebody is waiting you on the line.
tài gǎnxiè nǐ le, bānmǎ xiānsheng
太 感谢 你 了,斑马 先生
Thank you so much, Mr. Zebra.
- 太 = tài, very much
- 感谢 = , grateful. This is a pretty formal word, I’d probably use 太谢谢你了 if I want to say thank you very much. If I really want to be formal, I’d use 太感谢您了 where 您 = nín is a very respectful way to say 你
- 感谢/谢谢 + person + 了 is a colloquial to say thank you. You could just use 谢谢, but if you want to add the person in the sentence, usually you tag a 了 at the end.
- It’s also common to use 拜拜 = báibái.
qiáo ā, yóujú gāng sònglái yīgè bāoguǒ
瞧啊,邮局 刚 送来 一个 包裹
Look, the post office just delivered a package
- 瞧 = qiáo, to look at, more informal than 看 = Kàn
- 啊 = ā, used in call to action. It’s often used after a verb to mean you’re trying to get somebody’s attention so they can perform the said action. If you’re drowning in a river, remember to yell: 救命啊 = jiùmìng a, safe me!
- 邮局 = yóujú, post office. You can also use 邮递员 here
- 包裹 = bāoguǒ, package.
- 一个 = yīgè, one of…, a measure word for 包裹, it’s a super common measure word
- 刚 = gāng, just (for something just happened)
- 来 = lái, come
- 送来 = sònglái, deliver. Usually you add a 了 after a verb to indicate past sense. However, with 刚 in front of it, 了 can be omitted because it’s clearly past sense. It’s also perfectly okay to add the 了 after 送来 in this sentence.
- Now it’s a good opportunity to compare and contrast 来 and 去 = qù in 送来 vs 送去
- 他给我送来了一个包裹: he came and delivered a package to me. If the person speaking is on the receiving end, use 送来.
- 我给他送去了一个包裹: I went and delivered a package to him. If the person speaking is doing the delivery, use 送去.
- If it is obvious who the person on the receiving end is, you can ignore the 给 structure such as in 他送来了一个包裹, and in Daddy Pig’s sentence. Similarly, you can use 我送去了一个包裹 as long as it’s clear where or who you’re delivering to in the context.
yǒu shéi lái cāicāi lǐmiàn shì shénme
有 谁 来 猜猜 里面 是 什么
Can anybody try to guess what’s inside?
- 有谁来 = yǒu shéi lái, Is there anybody to… A colloquial way to say “Can anybody help me?” is 有谁来帮我 = yǒu shéi lái bāng wǒ?
- 猜猜 = cāicāi, to try to guess, see my explanation of repeating verbs in Chinese
- 里面 = lǐmiàn, inside. The sentence can be rephrased as 有谁来猜猜包裹里面是什么 but in this context it’s clear that Daddy Pig is talking about the package, so you can omit it.
- 是什么 shì shénme = what it is?
ò, qiáozhì, bùguǎn sònglái de shì shénme dōngxi, nǐ dōu cāi shì kǒnglóng
哦,乔治,不管 送来的 是 什么东西,你 都 猜 是 恐龙
Oh, George, no matter what it is that’s being delivered, you always guess it’s dinosaur.
- 乔治 = qiáozhì, George Pig
- 不管 = bùguǎn, no matter what. Also used in S01E04 Part 2.
- 送来的 = sònglái de, what’s being delivered.
- 是 = shì, is/am/are
- 什么东西 = shénme dōngxi, what, to refer to a generic object, you can also use 什么 here in this sentence
- 你 = nǐ, you
- 都 = dōu, always
zhège bāoguǒ tài xiǎo le
这个 包裹 太小了
This package is too small
- 这个 = zhège
- 小 = xiǎo, small
- 太 = tài, excessively
- 太 + adjective + 了 is a super commonly used structure, you can practically use it for any adjective. I think I probably use it daily.
- 太冷了 = tài lěngle, too cold.
- 太热了 = tài rèle, too warm or too hot, usually used for weather.
- 太烫了 = tài tàngle, too hot (something that is too hot to eat or too hot to touch)
- 太累了 = tài lèile, too tired
- 太困了 = tài kùnle, too sleepy.
kǒnglóng zěnme huì zài zhège lǐmiàn ne
How is it possible a dinosaur be inside this thing?
- 怎么会 = How can this be? How could this be possible? Check my explanation on S01E09 Part 6
- 在这个里面 = zài zhège lǐmiàn, inside this thing
wǒ xiǎng zhèshì yīgè… yīgè xīn wánjù
I think this is a… a new toy
- 我 = wǒ, I
- 想 = xiǎng, think
- 新 = xīn, new. Lots of adjectives have 的 but if an adjective is a single character, the 的 is often omitted. Similar to the use of 大/小 that I explained in XXXX
- 玩具 = wánjù, toy
dáàn hěn jiējìn le
Getting close to the answer.
- 答案 = dáàn, answer
- 很 = hěn, very
- 接近 = jiējìn, getting close to
- You may also reorder the words to be 很接近答案了. The way the sentence is currently phrased has an emphasis on the answer. It’s like saying: Answer, we’re getting close.
- You can use 接近了 in a similar way for other things you may be trying to get to:
- 真相很接近了 = zhēnxiàng hěn jiējìnle, getting close to the truth.
- 目标很接近了 = mùbiāo hěn jiējìnle, getting close to the target.
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